SRM-4 Remediation Adsorbent

Heavy Metal Removal


SRM-4 is the latest technology being introduced for soil remediation for heavy metals contaminants.

SRM-4 is a negatively charged internal crystalline lattice structure of exceptional strength and stability with loosely bound cations that promote cation exchange. As a proven soil remediation media, it has strong capacity and affinity to adsorb heavy metal contaminants within the soil and trap them within the media.

Used for coal ash ponds, mining soils, or other contaminated applications, SRM-4 provides a cost effective approach to the remediation process. If looking for additional details or more information on the SRM-4 media, please reach out to us in any form.

SRM -4 is intended for use in:

  • Mining wastewater; Landfill barriers

  • Aquaculture;

  • Soil remediation for heavy metal contaminants.

Product Details

    • Cation Exchange

    • White Powder

    • Exchange Capacity: >4.5 meq/g

    • Density: ~25-30 lb/cu ft (0.40-0.48 g/cc)

    • Moisture Content: <20% by weight

    • Insoluble in Water

    • Packaging:

      • 1000 lbs. (453 kg) super sacks

    • Shipped from: Huntersville, NC


CatioXorb T-20