Removing Contaminants is Top of Mind

Industry Leading

  • Point of Use

    Whether its for the house, apartment, or the dorm room, point of use devices are convenient. Our technologies have been used in Point of Use devices for years across many well known brands and have assisted in the removal of lead, mercury, copper, as well as improving taste and odor.

  • Point of Entry

    Point of Entry systems are becoming more popular, not only for the reduction of hard minerals that create issues in the pipes and fixtures, but also to remove contaminants from entering the home. Working closely with our partners, we have developed unique medias to address the wide variety of issues facing homeowners.

  • Carbon Block Technology

    Found in a wide variety of applications, from refrigerator filters to undercounter systems, we have been the gold standard for contaminant removal of lead an mercury for over a decade. We continue to provide leadership to the carbon block industry with numerous media solutions for contaminant removal.

  • Future Technologies

    We continue to evaluate, research, and develop new technologies to address the problems we see today as well as the problems of tomorrow. For companies wanting to know more, please feel free to contact us.