CatioXorb 70 Adsorbent
Lead and Heavy Metal Removal
CatioXorb 70 is our latest technology agglomerated in a larger particle size for use in filtration medias to reduce heavy metal and ammonium in water and soil remediation.
CatioXorb® is an inorganic silicate compound in a powder form. The compound has a negatively charged internal crystalline lattice structure of exceptional strength and stability with loosely bound cations that promote cation exchange. The interior channels or pores are 0.3 to 0.7 nanometers in diameter that act as a molecular sieve to selectively screen molecules according to size and exchangeable cations.
Due to its negative internal matrix polarity, CatioXorb® has a high cation exchange affinity for ammonium (NH4+) and dissolved heavy metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, copper and cadmium.
CatioXorb is intended for use in:
Various residential water filter devices.
Municipal & Industrial water treatment
Mining wastewater; Landfill barriers
Drinking water POE/POU systems;
Soil remediation for heavy metal contaminants.
Product Details
Cation Exchange
Proprietary Zeolite
White Powder
Size: ~70 micron
Exchange Capacity: >4.5 meq/g
Density: ~25-30 lb/cu ft (0.40-0.48 g/cc)
Moisture Content: <20% by weight
Insoluble in Water
1000 lbs. (453 kg) super sacks
Shipped from: Huntersville, NC